area talent
A: "Well I think people sometimes look at departures as end points. And we've always looked at them as beginnings. Even though he's not here, we always have said through the years that whether you play for the Thunder for 10 days or 10 years, you leave an imprint on our legacy because it is such an unwritten book, given the short tenure of the organization.. Friday during cross examination, Kessel attempted to have Pressley admit he was more than just a pawn in the murder, but Pressley retorted, was doing what I was told. Throughout the testimony, Pressley admitted that, in earlier trials and interrogations, he had not provided entirely accurate information. When Kessel confronted him on that point, Pressley said that he could not remember why he had lied. In a nutshell, we moved out of an apartment complex that just months before the end of our lease got taken over by a new management team. We gave over a 30 days notice and paid last months rent a month early. There w...